
Close Encounter™

.410 GA 2½" | 7g/109grs, 1/4oz


.410 ga 2 1/2" 1/4 oz

Calibre Packaging unit Weight No.
.410 GA 2½" 5 7g/109grs, 1/4oz SL-4102CE

Revolvers chambered for .410/.45 Colt cartridges are great home defense and trail firearms, and just plain fun to shoot. We created the Close Encounter to add even more versatility. Its large frontal area along with substantial weight and mass is vastly more powerful than a shotshell.

Ballistic data .410 GA 2½" | 7g/109grs, 1/4oz

Distance 0 10 20 25 50 75 100 150 200 300
Projectile energy in ft lbs 578 388 285 232 197
Velocity (ft./sec.) 1500 1229 1054 950 875
Trajectory (inches) -0,6 0,4 0,0 -2,3 -7,0

The Close Encounter will do double duty in a properly chambered .410 shotgun, as well, turning a mild-mannered gauge into a little powerhouse that produces tight groups and can cause great havoc among small game.

Slug Design

Check the original BRENNEKE quality features of a Close Encounter™:

  • Lead point with ribs that point to the right ensure smooth choke passage
  • Patented rear slides into point after the impact