
Special Forces Short Magnum


When bad guys are behind barriers, rely upon the Special Forces Short Magnum. SFSM®

Our Special Forces Short Magnum® (SFSM) was created specifically for urban and CQB situations where the target is concealed behind a wall, a door, in a vehicle, or similar barrier. It provides superb penetration—through 34.9" of FBI-spec ballistic gelatin—to put an immediate end to the threat. Its massive frontal area, specially tailored hard alloys, and distinctive Brenneke weight-forward design will penetrate most commonly encountered urban barriers, including many vehicles, with little deformation or loss of weight. This means that almost all of its devastating power is delivered to the target. The SFSM’s red coating reduces  barrel fouling, too. When a bad guy thinks he’s safe, the SFSM will prove that he’s not.

Proven penetration up to three times greater. Independent ballistic testing compared the Special Forces Short Magnum® to several leading competitors. The result? There really is no comparison. While the SFSM easily penetrated 34.9" of ballistic gelatin, the nearest competitor managed only 26". Others, as little as 11.2". The SFSM retained over 88 
percent of its unfired weight with virtually no deformation. The last thing you need is unreliable performance in stressful, dangerous situations.  You’ll get no unpleasant surprises with the Special Forces Short Magnum®.

    Brand Calibre Energy Weight V0 No.  

Special Forces Short Magnum

12 GA 2¾'' 2538 J 34g/525grs, 1 1/4oz 1476 ft./sec. SL-122SFM Details

Slug Design

Check the original BRENNEKE quality features of a SFSM® slug:

  • Lead point with ribs that point to the right ensure smooth choke passage
  • Patented rear slides into point after the impact